Temporary Fosters for cats & dogs in harm's way

Temporary Fosters and Fosters serving the Central Valley, CA

https://gofund.me/bf75bba8Please help

City and County shelters are full and not accepting new dogs. Many rescues are only accepting easily adoptable dogs. More than ever, we need to try to help ANY and EVERY dog regardless of their size, age, color or breed.

Please donate as we shift from acquiring kennels to implementing ways to keep them cool from the heat!


Projects we are focusing on

Parlier Puppypocalypse
Kern Overpass Dogs - Chico and Chica

Three generations born in an abandoned house in an orchard. Over 75% of the puppies have perished from cars or coyotes. The cycle of birth and death will stop as we step in to save these dogs and get them to new lives...

UPDATE: Both have been adopted to loving homes! Chico is very attached to Chica. They were saved after being abandoned when their homeless owners were removed from the area they were living. Walking on meth cookout residue and broken glass, they had never seen the inside of a house before..

Your help will help us cover vet bills, dog food, puppy pads, straw to keep warm, vaccines and gasoline. Just a little love...can Fund a new kennel.